by Mike Shea on 6 October 2004
My 97 year old grandmother wrote this letter to the El Reno City Council and the local paper:
October 4, 2004
Mr. Doug Henley Chairman El Reno City Council
Dear Sir,
It is really with regret that I again feel it necessary to call attention to an ongoing problem that cant be corrected with a quick fix. I mean the creek following north of our lovely Legion Park north of Lincoln School.
The condition has worsened until it is deplorable.
Recently someone took a weed eater and cut the grass along Keith street between Watts and London St. It has all grown back. Also someone cut the high weed at the corner of London and Keith that was a real drivers hazard. The weeds were left lying there. The creek is full of fair sized trees, rushes, brush and who knows what. Some animals I know of. I live a block away and Im so ashamed of the council letting this condition exist.
Weve seen armadillos, snakes, raccoon mosquitoes, and more. One day while working in my yard along the fence a long 6-foot snake came out and scared me with his head raised up about a foot. I happened to be holding a hoe and I chopped it in two. Later someone told me it was a harmless variety. Not to me. Any snake is a snake.
I have called council members wrote to Mr. Coleman and have been ignored and it irks me. At least give me the courtesy of a reply.
If it were possible for a helpless citizen to serve a citation against the city, be sure you would hear from me.
Very truly yours,
Frances B.
cc: El Reno Tribune